[1] [2] Méeting thus togither, they came foorth of the ca|stell, and the king there called for wine,The king and the duke iour|nie togither towards London. and after they had dronke, they mounted on horssebacke, and rode that night to Flint, and the next daie vnto Chester, the third vnto Nantwich, the fourth to Newcastell. Here, with glad countenance, the lord Thomas Beauchampe earle of Warwike met them, that had beene confined into the Ile of Man, as before ye haue heard; but now was reuoked home by the duke of Lancaster. From Newcastell they rode to Stafford, and the sixt daie vnto Lichfield, and there rested sun|daie all daie. After this, they rode foorth, and lodged at these places insuing, Couentrie, Dantrée, North|hampton, Dunstable, S. Albons, & so came to Lon|don: neither was the king permitted all this while to change his apparell, but rode still through all these townes simplie clothed in one sute of raiment, and yet he was in his time excéeding sumptuous in appa|rell, in so much as he had one cote, which he caused to be made for him of gold and stone,K. Richard sumptuous in apparell. valued at 30000 marks: & so he was brought the next waie to West|minster.