[1] [2] The king accompanied with the bishop of Car|leill, the earle of Salisburie, and sir Stephan Scroope knight, who bare the sword before him, and a few o|ther, came foorth into the vtter ward, and sate downe in a place prepared for him. Foorthwith as the duke got sight of the king,The dukes behauiour to the king at their meéting. he shewed a reuerend dutie as became him, in bowing his knée, and comming for|ward, did so likewise the second and third time, till the king tooke him by the hand, and lift him vp, saieng; Déere cousine, ye are welcome. The duke humblie thanking him said;
My souereigne lord and king,The dukes demand. the cause of my comming at this present, is (your honor saued) to haue againe restitution of my person, my lands and heritage, through your fauourable licence. The king hervnto answered; Déere cousine, I am readie to accomplish your will, so that ye may inioy all that is yours, without exception.