[1] The king that was walking aloft on the braies of the wals, to behold the comming of the duke a farre off, might sée, that the archbishop and the other were come, and (as he tooke it) to talke with him: where|vpon he foorthwith came downe vnto them, and be|holding that they did their due reuerence to him on their knées, he tooke them vp, and drawing the arch|bishop aside from the residue, talked with him a good while, and as it was reported, the archbishop willed him to be of good comfort, for he should be assured, not to haue anie hurt, as touching his person; but he pro|phesied not as a prelat, but as a Pilat. For, was it no hurt (thinke you) to his person, to be spoiled of his roialtie, to be deposed from his crowne, to be trans|lated from principalitie to prison, & to fall from honor into horror. All which befell him to his extreame hart greefe (no doubt:) which to increase, meanes alas there were manie; but to diminish, helps (God wot) but a few. So that he might haue said with the for|lorne man in the mercilesse seas of his miseries,
Vt fera nimboso tumüerunt aequora vento,In medijs lacera naue relinquor aquis.