[1] [2] But now to our purpose. King Richard being thus come vnto the castell of Flint, on the mondaie, the eightéenth of August, and the duke of Hereford be|ing still aduertised from houre to houre by posts, [page 501] how the earle of Northumberland sped, the morow following being tuesdaie, and the ninetéenth of Au|gust, he came thither, & mustered his armie before the kings presence, which vndoubtedlie made a passing faire shew, being verie well ordered by the lord Hen|rie Persie, that was appointed generall, or rather (as we maie call him) master of the campe, vnder the duke, of the whole armie. There were come alreadie to the castell, before the approching of the maine ar|mie, the archbishop of Canturburie, the duke of Au|marle, the earle of Worcester, and diuerse other. The archbishop entred first, and then followed the other, comming into the first ward.