[1] ΒΆ This suerlie is a verie notable example,A speciall note woorthie to be well weied. and not vnwoorthie of all princes to be well weied, and dili|gentlie marked, that this Henrie duke of Lancaster should be thus called to the kingdome, and haue the helpe and assistance (almost) of all the whole realme, which perchance neuer thereof thought or yet drea|med; and that king Richard should thus be left deso|late, void, and in despaire of all hope and comfort, in whom if there were anie offense, it ought rather to be imputed to the frailtie of wanton youth, than to the malice of his hart: but such is the deceiuable iudgement of man, which not regarding things pre|sent with due consideration, thinketh euer that things to come shall haue good successe, with a plea|sant & delitefull end. But in this deiecting of the one, & aduancing of the other, the prouidence of God is to be respected, & his secret will to be woondered at. For as in his hands standeth the donation of kingdoms, so likewise the disposing of them consisteth in his pleasure, which the verie pagans vnderstood right well; otherwise, one of them would neuer haue said,
Regum timendorum in proprios greges,Hor. lib. car. 3. ode. 1.Reges in ipsos imperium est IouisCuncta supercilio mouentis.