[1] At length, about eighteene daies after that the king had sent from him the earle of Salisburie, he tooke the sea, togither with the dukes of Aumarle, Exce|ster, Surrie, and diuerse others of the nobilitie, with the bishops of London, Lincolne, and Carleill. They landed néere the castell of Barclowlie in Wales,K. Richard returneth out of Ireland, and landeth in Wales. a|bout the feast of saint Iames the apostle, and staied a while in the same castell, being aduertised of the great forces which the duke of Lancaster had got to|gither against him, Thom. Wals. wherewith he was maruellouslie amazed, knowing certeinelie that those which were thus in armes with the duke of Lancaster against him, would rather die than giue place, as well for the hatred as feare which they had conceiued at him. Ne|uerthelesse he departing from Barclowlie, hasted with all speed towards Conwaie, where he vnder|stood the earle of Salisburie to be still remaining.