[1] But when they missed the king, there was a brute spred amongst them, that the king was suerlie dead, which wrought such an impression, and euill disposi|tion in the minds of the Welshmen and others, that for anie persuasion which the earle of Salisburie might vse, they would not go foorth with him, till they saw the king: onelie they were contented to staie fouretéene daies to sée if he should come or not; but when he came not within that tearme, they would no longer abide, but scaled & departed awaie; wheras if the king had come before their breaking vp, no doubt, but they would haue put the duke of Here|ford in aduenture of a field: so that the kings linge|ring of time before his comming ouer, gaue oppor|tunitie to the duke to bring things to passe as he could haue wished, and tooke from the king all occa|sion to recouer afterwards anie forces sufficient to resist him.