[1] [2] [3] At the same present there was arrested, and com|mitted to safe custodie, the bishop of Norwich, sir William Elmam, and sir Walter Burlie, knights, Laurence Drew, and Iohn Golofer esquiers. On the morowafter, the forsaid dukes with their power,The duke of Lancaster marcheth to Bristow. went towards Bristow, where (at their comming) they shewed themselues before the towne & castell, being an huge multitude of people. There were in|closed within the castell, the lord William Scroope earle of Wiltshire and treasuror of England, sir Henrie Greene, and sir Iohn Bushie knights, who prepared to make resistance: but when it would not preuaile, they were taken and brought foorth bound as prisoners into the campe, before the duke of Lan|caster. On the morow next insuing,Scroope [...] treasuror, Bushie and Greene exe|cuted. they were arrai|gned before the constable and marshall, and found giltie of treason, for misgouerning the king and realme, and foorthwith had their heads smit off. Sir [page 499] Iohn Russell was also taken there,A politike [...]dnesse. who feining him|selfe to be out of his wits, escaped their hands for a time.