[1] [2] [3] At his comming vnto Doncaster, the earle of Northumberland, and his sonne sir Henrie Persie, wardens of the marches against Scotland, with the earle of Westmerland, came vnto him,The duke of [...] to the lords [...]hat [...] him. where he sware vnto those lords, that he would demand no more, but the lands that were to him descended by in|heritance from his father, and in right of his wife. Moreouer, he undertooke to cause the paiment of tax|es and tallages to be laid downe, & to bring the king to good gouernment, & to remooue from him the Che|shiremen, which were enuied of manie; for that the king estéemed of them more than of anie other; hap|pilie, bicause they were more faithfull to him than other, readie in all respects to obeie his commande|ments and pleasure. From Doncaster hauing now got a mightie armie about him, he marched foorth with all spéed through the countries, comming by E|uesham vnto Berkelie: within the space of three daies, all the kings castels in those parts were sur|rendred vnto him.