[1] [2] When the lord gouernor Edmund duke of Yorke was aduertised, that the duke of Lancaster kept still the sea, and was readie to arriue (but where he ment first to set foot on land, there was not any that vnder|stood the certeintie) he sent for the lord chancellor Ed|mund Stafford bishop of Excester, and for the lord treasuror William Scroope earle of Wiltshire, and other of the kings priuie councell, as Iohn Bushie, William Bagot, Henrie Greene, and Iohn Russell knights: of these he required to know what they thought good to be doone in this matter, concerning the duke of Lancaster, being on the seas. Their ad|uise was, to depart from London, vnto S. Albons, and there to gather an armie to resist the duke in his landing, but to how small purpose their counsell ser|ued, [...]he conclusion thereof plainlie declared, for the most part that were called,The commõs [...]enie [...]o resist [...]he duke of [...]ancaster. when they came thither [...]oldlie protested, that they would not fight against the duke of Lancaster, whome they knew to be euill dealt withall.