[1] [2] The same daie that he sent abroad his armie thus into three seuerall parts,The duke of Aumarle. the duke of Aumarle with an hundred saile arriued, of whose cõming the king was right ioifull; and although he had vsed no small negligence in that he came no sooner according to or|der before appointed, yet the king (as he was of a gentle nature) courteouslie accepted his excuse: whe|ther he was in fault or not, I haue not to saie; but verelie he was greatlie suspected, that he dealt not well in tarieng so long after his time assigned. But now whilest the king rested at Dublin, his people so demeaned themselues, that the most part of the re|bels, what by manhood and policie were subdued, and brought vnder subiection, and (as is to be thought) if no trouble had risen in England to haue called him backe, he meant to haue rid vp the woods, and made some notable conquest at that time vpon the rebels that yet held out. Neuerthelesse, during the time of his abode there, such was the prowesse of him and his, that the Irish were well tamed, and forced to submit themselues: and yet the kings power made no great slaughter of them, if it be true that Christ. Okl. saith, speaking hereof in few words as after followeth:
Pergit ad indomitos princeps Richardus Hibernos,In Angl. praelijs sub Rich. 2.In potestatem multo sine sanguine, saeuoMarte reluctantes.