[1] The king also after he had remained about seuen daies at Waterford,Out of a French pam|phlet that be|longeth to master Iohn Dec. marched from thence towards Kilkennie, and comming thither, staied thereabout fourteene daies, looking for the duke of Aumarle that was appointed to haue met him, but he failed and came not, wherevpon the king on Midsummer euen set forward againe, marching streight towards the countrie of Macmur the principall rebell in that season within Ireland,Macmur. who kéeping himselfe among woods with three thousand right hardie men, seémed to passe little for any power that might be brought a|gainst him. Yet the king approching to the skirts of the woods, commanded his soldiers to fier the houses and villages: which was executed with great for|wardnesse of the men of war. And here for some va|liant act that he did, or some other fauourable respect, which the king bare to the lord Henrie sonne to the duke of Hereford, he made him knight. ¶ This Hen|rie was after king of England, succeeding his fa|ther, and called by the name of Henrie the fift. There were nine or ten others made knights also at the same time.