[1] [...],New exac|tions. when they rose in armor against him. The nobles, gentlemen, and commons of those shires were inforced also to receiue a new oth to assure the king of their fidelitie in time to come;The paim [...] of these [...] Was called [...] plesance as [...] were to pleas [...] the K. with|all, but y^ [...] [...] displeased ma|nie that were thus constrei|ned to paie a|gainst thei [...] willes. and withall certeine prelats and o|ther honorable personag [...]s, were sent into the same shires to persuade men to this pain [...]ent, and to sée things ordered at the pleasure of the prince: and suer|lie the fines which the nobles, and other the meaner estates of those shires were constreined to paie, were not small, but excéeding great, to the offense of ma|nie. Moreouer, the kings letters patents were sent into euerie shire within this land, by vertue whereof, an oth was demanded of all the kings liege people for a further assurance of their due obedience,The people confirme the oth of allegi|ance by wri|ting sealed. and they were constreined to ratifie the same in writing vnder their hands and seales.