[1] [2] The death of the duke of Lancaster.In this meane time, the duke of Lancaster depar|ted out of this life at the bishop of Elies place in Holborne, and lieth buried in the cathedrall church of saint Paule in London, on the northside of the high altar, by the ladie Blanch his first wife. The death of this duke gaue occasion of increasing more hatred in the people of this realme toward the king, for he seized into his hands all the goods that belonged to him, and also receiued all the rents and reuenues of his lands which ought to haue descended vnto the duke of Hereford by lawfull inheritance, in reuoking his letters patents, Tho. Walsi. which he had granted to him be|fore, by vertue wherof he might make his attorneis generall to sue liuerie for him, of any maner of in|heritances or possessions that might from thence|foorth fall vnto him, and that his homage might be re|spited, with making reasonable fine: whereby it was euident, that the king meant his vtter vndooing.