[1] On Newyeares day this yeare, the riuer that pas|seth betwixt Suelleston or Snelston, and Harewood, two villages not far from Bedford, sudenlie ceassed his course, so as the chanell remained drie by the space of thrée miles, that any man might enter into, and passe the same drie foot at his pleasure. This di|uision, which the water made in that place, the one part séeming as it were not to come néere to the o|ther, was iudged to signifie the reuolting of the sub|iects of this land from their naturall prince. It may be, that the water of that riuer sanke into the ground, and by some secret passage or chanell tooke [page 496] course till it came to the place where it might rise a|gaine as in other places is likewise [...].