[1] [2] At the time appointed the king came to Couentrie, Anno Reg. [...] where the two dukes were readie, according to the order prescribed therein, comming thither in great arraie, accompanied with the lords and gentlemen of their linages. The king caused a sumptuous scaf|fold or theater, and roiall listes there to be erected and prepared. The sundaie before they should fight, after dinner the duke of Hereford came to the king (being lodged about a quarter of a mile without the towne in a tower that belonged to sir William Bagot) to take his leaue of him. The morow after, being the daie appointed for the combat, about the spring of the daie, came the duke of Norfolke to the court to take leaue likewise of the king. The duke of Hereford ar|med him in his tent, that was set vp néere to the lists, and the duke of Norfolke put on his armor, be|twixt the gate & the barrier of the towne, in a beauti|full house, hauing a faire perclois of wood towards the gate, that none might sée what was doone within the house.