[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] When he heard what they had answered, he com|manded that they should be brought foorthwith be|fore his presence, to heare what they would say. Here|with an herald in the kings name with lowd voice commanded the dukes to come before the king, ei|ther of them to shew his reason, or else to make peace togither without more delaie. When they were come before the king and lords, the king spake himselfe to them, willing them to agree, and make peace togi|ther:

for it is (said he) the best waie ye can take
. The duke of Norfolke with due reuerence herevnto an|swered it could not be so brought to passe, his ho|nor saued. Then the king asked of the duke of Here|ford, what it was that he demanded of the duke of Norfolke, and
what is the matter that ye can not make peace togither, and become friends?