[1] Then the duke of Norfolke being asked what he said to this, he answered:

Right déere lord, with your fauour that I make answer vnto your coosine here, I saie (your reuerence saued) that Henrie of Lan|caster duke of Hereford, like a false and disloiall trai|tor as he is, dooth lie, in that he hath or shall say of me otherwise than well.
No more said the king, we haue heard inough: and herewith commanded the duke of Surrie for that turne marshall of England,The duke of Surrie mar|shall and the duke of Au|marle con|stable of Eng|land. to ar|rest in his name the two dukes: the duke of Lanca|ster father to the duke of Hereford, the duke of Yorke the duke of Aumarle constable of England: and the duke of Surrie marshall of the realme vndertooke as pledges bodie for bodie for the duke of Hereford: but the duke of Northfolke was not suffered to put in pledges, and so vnder arrest was led vnto Wind|sor castell, and there garded with kéepers that were appointed to sée him safelie kept.