[1] When the king had spent much monie in time of this parlement, he demanded a disme and a halfe of the clergie, and a fiftéenth of the temporaltie. Final|lie, a generall pardon was granted for all offenses to all the kings subiects (fiftie onelie excepted) whose names he would not by anie meanes expresse, but reserued them to his owne knowledge, that when a|nie of the nobilitie offended him, he might at his ple|sure name him to be one of the number excepted, and so kéepe them still within his danger. To the end that the ordinances, iudgements, and acts made, pro|nounced and established in this parlement, might be and abide in perpetuall strength and force,The K. procu|reth the popes buls against the breakers of his statuts. the king purchased the popes buls, in which were conteined greeuous censures and cursses, pronounced against all such as did by anie means go about to breake and violate the statutes in the same parlement ordeined. These buls were openlie published & read at Paules crosse in London, and in other the most publike pla|ces of the realme.