[1] The L. Regi|nald Cobham condemned.But now to proceed. In this parlement holden at Shrewsburie, the lord Reginald Cobham, being a verie aged man, simple and vpright in all his dea|lings, was condemned for none other cause, but for that in the eleuenth yéere of the kings reigne he was appointed with other to be attendant about the king as one of his gouernours. The acts and ordinances also deuised and established in the parlement holden in the eleuenth yeare were likewise repealed. More|ouer, in this parlement at Shrewesburie, it was de|créed, that the lord Iohn Cobham should be sent into the Ile of Gernesie, there to remaine in exile, hauing a small portion assigned him to liue vpon. The king so wrought & brought things about,The authori|tie of both houses in par|lement gran|ted to certeine persons. that he obteined the whole power of both houses to be granted to cer|teine persons, as to Iohn duke of Lancaster, Ed|mund duke of Yorke, Edmund duke of Aumarle, Thomas duke of Surrie, Iohn duke of Excester, Iohn marquesse Dorset, Roger earle of March, Iohn earle of Salisburie, and Henrie earle of Nor|thumberland, Thom. Wals. Thomas earle of Glocester, and Willi|am earle of Wiltshire, Iohn Hussie, Henrie Chei|meswike, Robert Teie, and Iohn Goulofer knights, or to seauen or eight of them. These were appointed to heare and determine certeine petitions and mat|ters yet depending and not ended: but by vertue of this grant, they procéeded to conclude vpon other things, which generallie touched the knowledge of the whole parlement, in derogation of the states ther|of, to the disaduantage of the king, and perillous ex|ample in time to come.