[1] The king then came downe to Lichfield, and there held a roiall Christmasse, which being ended,The king kéepeth his Christmasse at Lichfield. he tooke his iournie towards Shrewesburie, where the parle|ment was appointed to begin in the quinden of saint Hilarie, as before yée haue heard. In which parle|ment there holden vpon prorogation, for the loue that the king bare to the gentlemen and commons of the shire of Chester, he caused it to be ordeined that from thencefoorth it should be called and knowne by the name of the principalitie of Chester: and herewith he intituled himselfe prince of Chester.Cheshire made a pri [...]cipalitie. He held also a roiall feast, kéeping open houshold for all honest commers, during the which feast, he created fiue dukes and a duchesse, a marquesse, and foure earles.K. Richard prince of Chester. The earle of Derbie was created duke of Hereford, the earle of Notingham that was also earle mar|shall duke of Norfolke,Creation of dukes and earles. the earle of Rutland duke of Aubemarle, the earle of Kent duke of Surrie, and the earle of Huntington duke of Excester; the ladie Margaret marshall countesse of Norfolke, was created duchesse of Norfolke; the earle of Summer|set marques Dorset, the lord Spenser earle of Glo|cester, the lord Neuill surnamed Daurabie earle of Westmerland, the lord William Scroope lord cham|berleine earle of Wiltshire, and the lord Thomas Persie lord steward of the kings house earle of Worcester.