[1] The king then came downe to Lichfield, and there held a roiall Christmasse, which being ended,The king kéepeth his Christmasse at Lichfield. he tooke his iournie towards Shrewesburie, where the parle|ment was appointed to begin in the quinden of saint Hilarie, as before yée haue heard. In which parle|ment there holden vpon prorogation, for the loue that the king bare to the gentlemen and commons of the shire of Chester, he caused it to be ordeined that from thencefoorth it should be called and knowne by the name of the principalitie of Chester: and herewith he intituled himselfe prince of Chester.Cheshire made a pri [...]cipalitie. He held also a roiall feast, kéeping open houshold for all honest commers, during the which feast, he created fiue dukes and a duchesse, a marquesse, and foure earles.K. Richard prince of Chester. The earle of Derbie was created duke of Hereford, the earle of Notingham that was also earle mar|shall duke of Norfolke,Creation of dukes and earles. the earle of Rutland duke of Aubemarle, the earle of Kent duke of Surrie, and the earle of Huntington duke of Excester; the ladie Margaret marshall countesse of Norfolke, was created duchesse of Norfolke; the earle of Summer|set marques Dorset, the lord Spenser earle of Glo|cester, the lord Neuill surnamed Daurabie earle of Westmerland, the lord William Scroope lord cham|berleine earle of Wiltshire, and the lord Thomas Persie lord steward of the kings house earle of Worcester.