[1] On the mondaie next after the arreignement of the earle of Warwike, to wit, the foure and twentie of September, was the lord Iohn Cobham, and sir Iohn Cheinie arreigned, and found guiltie of like treasons for which the other had beene condemned be|fore: but at the earnest instance and sute of the no|bles, they were pardoned of life, and banished, or (as Fabian saith) condemned to perpetuall prison. ¶The king desirous to see the force of the Londoners, cau|sed them (during the time of this parlement) to mu|ster before him on Blacke heath, where a man might haue seene a great number of able personages. And now after that the parlement had continued almost till Christmasse,The parlem [...] adiourned to Shrewsburie it was adiourned vntil the quin|den of S. Hilarie, then to begin againe at Shrewes|burie.