[1] But now to returne to the parlement. After the death of this earle,The earle of Warwike ar|reigned of treason. the lord Thomas Beauchampe earle of Warwike was brought foorth to abide his triall by parlement, and when his accusers charged him in like points of treason, such as before were im|posed to the earle of Arundell; he answered that he neuer meant euill to the kings person, nor thought that those rodes and assemblies that were made in companie of the duke of Glocester, the earle of A|rundell, and others, might not be accompted treason. But when the iudges had shewed him, that they could not be otherwise taken than for treason, he humblie besought the king of mercie and grace. The king then asked of him whether he had rid with the duke of Glocester, and the earle of Arundell, as had beene al|ledged? He answered that he could not denie it, and wished that he had neuer seene them. Then said the king, Doo yee not know that you are guiltie of trea|son? He answered againe, I acknowledge it; and with sobbing teares besought all them that were present, to make intercession to the kings maiestie for him.