[1] [2] The earle of Arundell a|reigned.On the feast daie of saint Matthew, Richard fitz Aleine, earle of Arundell, was brought foorth to sweare before the king and whole parlement to such articles as he was to be charged with. And as he stood at the bar, the lord Neuill was commanded by the duke of Lancaster,The duke of Lãcaster high Steward of England at [...] areigne|ment. which sat that daie as high steward of England, to take the hood from his necke, and the girdle from his waste. Then the duke of Lan|caster declared vnto him, that for his manifold rebel|lions and treasons against the kings maiestie he had béene arrested, and hitherto kept in ward, and now at the petition of the lords and commons, he was called to answer such crimes as were there to be ob|iected against him, and so to purge himselfe, or else to suffer for his offenses, such punishment as law ap|pointed.