[1] The temporall lords perceiuing what the bishops had doone, did likewise giue their consents, to reuoke the same pardons: but the iudges with those that were toward the law, were not of this opinion, but finallie the bishops pretending a scrupulositie, as if they might not with safe consciences be present where iudgement of bloud should passe, they appoin|ted a laie man to be their prolocutor to serue that turne. To conclude, at length all maner of charters of pardon were made void,The charters of pardõ gran+ted to ye lords made void by parlement. for that the same séemed to impeach the suertie of the kings person. When sir Iohn Bushie and his associats had obteined that re|uocation, it was further by them declared, that the earle of Arundell had yet an other speciall charter of pardon for his owne person, which he had obteined after the first. And therefore sir Iohn Bushie ear|nestlie requested in name of the communaltie that the same might likewise be reuoked.