[1] Immediatlie after, ech man being placed in his roome, the cause of assembling that parlement was shewed, as that the king had called it for reformation of diuerse transgressions and oppressions committed against the peace of his land by the duke of Gloce|ster, the earles of Arundell, Warwike, and others. Then sir Iohn Bushie stept foorth, and made request on the behalfe of the communaltie, that it might please the kings highnesse for their heinous acts at|tempted against his lawes and roiall maiestie, to ap|point them punishment according to their deser|uings,The archbi|shop of Can|turburie sit|ting in parle|ment is ac [...]|sed of treason by the speaker and speciallie to the archbishop of Canturbu|rie (who then sat next the king) whome he accused of high treason, for that he had euill counselled his ma|iestie, inducing him to grant his letters of pardon to his brother the earle of Arundell, being a ranke traitor.