[1] [2] There went messengers betwixt him and the dukes, which being men of honour did their indeuour to appease both parties. The king discharged himselfe of blame for the duke of Glocesters death, conside|ring that he had gone about to breake the truce, which he had taken with France, and also stirred the peo|ple of the realme to rebellion, and further had sought the destruction and losse of his life, that was his soue|reigne lord and lawfull king. Contrarilie, the dukes affirmed,The king and the dukes re|conciled. that their brother was wrongfullie put to death, hauing doone nothing worthie of death. At length, by the intercession and meanes of those noble men that went to and fro betwixt them, they were ac|corded, & the king promised from thencefoorth to doo no [...]hing but by the assent of the dukes: but he kept small promise in this behalfe, as after well appeared.