[1] [2] These estates being come to Arundell castell at the daie appointed, Anno Reg. 1 [...]. about the verie beginning of the one and twentith yeare of king Richards reigne, they sware [...]ch to other to be assistant in all such matters as they should determine, and therewith re|ceiued the sacrament at the hands of the archbishop of Canturburie, who celebrated masse before them the morow after. Which doone, they withdrew into a chamber, and fell in counsell togither, where in the end they light vpon this point; to take king Richard,The purp [...]s of the conspi|rators. the dukes of Lancaster & Yorke, and commit them to prison, and all the other lords of the kings councell they determined shuld be drawne and hanged. Such was their purpose which they ment to haue accom|plished in August following. But the earle marshall that was lord deputie of Calis, and had married the earle of Arundels daughter, discouered all their coun|sell to the king, and the verie daie in which they should begin their enterprise.The earle marshall dis|closeth the conspira [...]ie. The king bad the earle mar|shall take héed what hehad said, for if it proued not true, he should repent it: but the earle constantlie herevnto answered, that if the matter might be pro|ued otherwise, he was contented to be drawne and quartered.