[1] The duke in déed sore stomached the matter, that his counsell might not be followed in all things, and speciallie for that he saw (as he tooke it) that the king was misled by some persons that were about him, otherwise than stood with his honor: for refor|mation whereof, he conferred with the abbat of saint Albons, and the prior of Westminster. The abbat was both his c [...]o [...]ine and godfather:A conspir [...] betwéene the duke of Glo|cester and the abbat of [...] Albons. and hauing on a daie both the duke and the prior at his house in saint Albons, after dinner he [...]ell in talke with the duke and prior, and amongst other communication req [...]|red of the prior to tell truth, whether he had anie vi|sion the night before or not The prior séemed with to make a direct answer;Out of an [...] French pam|phlet belong|ing to Iohn Stow. but at length being earnestlie requested as well by the abb [...]t as the duke, he decla|red that he had a vision in déed, which was, that the realme of England should be destroied through the misgouernement of king Richard.
By the virgine Marie, said the abbat, I had the verie same vision.The duke herevpon disclosed vnto them all the se|crets of his mind, and by their deuises presentlie con|triued an assemblie of diuerse great lords of the realme at Arundell castell that daie for might, at what time he himselfe appointed to be there, with the earles of Derbie, Arundell, Marshall, and War|wike: also the archbishop of Canturburie, the abbat of saint Albens, the prior of Westminster, with di|uerse others.