Snippet: 398 of 517 (1587, Volume 6, p. 487)
[4] Shortlie after, to wit,
the thirteenth of Nouember, the yoong quéene was conueied from thence with
great pompe vnto the Tower, at which time there was such prease on London
Certeine thrust to death in the prease on London bridge.
Iohn Stow. The quéens coronation.
that by reason thereof, certeine persons were thrust to death:
a|mong the which the prior of Tiptrie, a place in Es|sex was one, and a
worshipfull matrone in Cornehill an other. The morow after she was conueied
to Westminster with all the honor that might be deui|sed, and finallie there
crowned queene vpon sun|daie being then the seauenth of Ianuarie. On the two and twentith of Ianuarie was a
parlement be|gun at Westminster,The duke of Lancaster his
bastards mad [...] legitimate by parlement. in which the duke of Lancaster
caused to be legitimated the issue which he had begot of Katharine Swinfort,
before she was his wife. ¶At the same time Thomas Beaufort sonne to the said
duke, by the said Katharine, was created earle of Summerset. ¶There was an
ordinance made in the same parlement, that iustices should not haue anie to
sit with them as assistants. ¶Moreouer, there was a tenth granted by the
clergie to be paied to the kings vse at two seuerall termes in that present
yeare.The iustices reuoked out of exile. In
this yeare the king contrarie to his oth reuoked the iustices foorth of
Ireland, whom by constraint (as be|fore ye haue heard) he was inforced to
banish, there|by to satisfie the noble men that would haue it so.