[1] [2] [3] On the six and twentith of October, the king of England remooued from Calis toward the castell of Guisnes, and wi [...]h him the duke of Berrie, who was sent to take his oth. The morow after, being the euen of Simon and Iude, the kings met, and the lords of France, to wit, the duke of Berrie, Burgogne, Or|leans, and Burbon, the earle of Sauoie, the vicount of Meaux, and others conueied the king of England; and from him were sent to conduct the French king diuerse of the English lords, as the two dukes of Lancaster and Glocester, foure earles; to wit, of Derbie, Rutland, Notingham, and Northumber|land. After the two kings were come togither into the tent for that purpose prepared, it was first accor|ded betwixt them, that in the same place where they thus met, should be builded of both their costs a cha|pell for a perpetuall memorie,The chapell of our ladie of peace. which should be called The chapell of our ladie of peace. On saturdaie be|ing the feast daie of the apostles Simon and Iude, the kings talked togither of certeine articles tou|ching [page 487] the treatie of peace, and hauing concluded vp|on the same, they receiued either of them an oth vpon the holie Euangelists, to obserue and kéepe all the couenants accorded vpon.