[1] [2] The distance betwixt the two tents was beset on either side in time of the interview with knights ar|med with their swords in their hands; that is to say, on the one side stood foure hundred French knights in armor with swords in their hands, Froissard. and on the o|ther side foure hundred English knights armed with swords in their hands, making as it were a lane be|twixt them through the which the two kings came and met, with such noble men as were appointed to at|tend them. Fabian. And a certeine distance from the two first pauilions, were appointed to stand such companies of men as either of them by appointment had coue|nanted to bring with them. The two kings before their méeting,The oth of the two kings. receiued a solemne oth for assurance of their faithfull and true meaning, to obserue the sa|cred lawes of amitie one toward an other in that their interview, so as no damage, violence, molesta|tion, arrest, disturbance, or other inconuenience should be practised by them, or their friends and sub|iects: and that if anie disorder rose through anie mis|happe, arrogancie, or strife mooued by anie person, the same should be reformed, promising in the words of princes to assist one an other in suppressing, the ma|lice of such as should presume to doo or attempt anie thing that might sound to the breach of friendlie a|mitie, during the time of that assemblie eight daies before, and seuen daies after.