[1] [2] The king after the duke of Burgognie had tal|ked with him throughlie of all things, and was de|parted from him, returned into England (leauing the ladies still at Calis) to open the couenants of the marriage and peace vnto his subiects, and after he had finished with that businesse, and vnderstood their minds, he went againe to Calis, and with him his two vncles, of Lancaster and Glocester, and diuerse prelats and lords of the realme; and shortlie after came the French king to the bastide of Arde, accom|panied with the dukes of Burg [...]gnie, Berrie, Bri|taine and Burbon. There was set vp for the king of England a right faire and rich pauilion a little be|yond Guisnes within the English pale;The maner of the interview betweene king Richard and the French king. and ano|ther the like pauilion was pight vp also for the French king on this side Arde, within the French dominion; so that betwéene the said pauilions was the distance of thréescore & ten pases, and in the mid|waie betwixt them both, Fabian. was ordeined the third pa|uilion, at the which both kings comming from either of their tents sundrie times should méet and haue communication togither.