[4] In this eighteenth yeare
also was a woonderfull tempest of wind in the months of Iulie and August,
and also most speciallie in September, by violence whereof, in sundrie
places of this realme, great and woonderfull hurt was doone, both in
churches and houses. ¶The ambassadors that had béene latelie in France,
about the treatie of the marriage (as before yée haue heard) went thither
againe, and so after that the two kings by sending to and fro were
growne to certeine points and couenants of
The earle marshall affi|eth ye French kings daugh|ter, in ye name of
king Ri|chard.
Anno Reg. 20. A truce for 30 yeares be|twéene Eng|land and
Tho. Walsin.