[1] [2] [3] For the loue that the duke had to these his chil|dren, he married their mother the said Katharine Swinford, being now a widow, whereof men mar|uelled much, considering hir meane estate was farre vnmeet to match with his highnesse, and nothing comparable in honor to his other two former wiues. And indeed, the great ladies of England, as the du|ches of Glocester, the countesses of Derbie, Arundell and others, descended of the blood roiall, greatlie dis|deined, that she should be matched with the duke of of Lancaster, and by that means be accompted se|cond person in the realme, and preferred in roome be|fore them, and therefore they said, that they would not come in anie place where she should be present, for it should be a shame to them that a woman of so base birth, and concubine to the duke in his other wiues daies, should go and haue place before them. The duke of Glocester also, being a man of an high mind and stout stomach, misliked his brothers matching so meanlie, but the duke of Yorke bare it well inough, and verelie, the ladie hir selfe was a wo|man of such bringing vp, and honorable demeanor, that enuie could not in the end but giue place to well deseruing.Wickleuists increase. About this season, the doctrine of of Iohn Wickliffe still mightilie spred abroad héere in England. ¶The schisme also still continued in the church, betwixt the two factions of cardinals French and Romane for one of their popes could no sooner be dead, but that they ordeined an other in his place.