[1] But now when the duke of Lancaster had, Thom. Wals. by lai|eng foorth an inestimable masse of treasure purcha|sed in a manner the good wils of them of Aquitaine, and compassed his whole desire, he was suddenlie countermanded home by the king, and so to satisfie the kings pleasure, he returned into England, and comming to the king at Langleie, where he held his Christmasse, was receiued with more honor than loue, as was thought; wherevpon he rode in all hast that might be to Lincolne, where Katharine Swin|ford as then laie, whom shortlie after the Epiphanie, he tooke to wife. This woman was borne in Hei|nault, daughter to a knight of that countrie, called sir Paou de Ruet: she was brought vp in hir youth, in the duke of Lancasters house,The duke of Lancaster m [...]+rieth a ladie of a meane estate whome he had kept as his concubine and attended on his first wife the duchesse Blanch of Lancaster, and in the daies of his second wife the duchesse Con|stance, he kept the foresaid Katharine as his concu|bine, who afterwards was married to a knight of England, named Swinford, that was now deceas|sed. Before she was married, the duke had by hir three children, two sonnes and a daughter; one of the sons was named Thomas de Beaufort, & the other Henrie, who was brought vp at Aken in Almaine, [page 486] prooued a good lawyer, and was after bishop of Win|chester.