[1] Yée haue heard, that in the yeare 1392, Robert Uéer duke of Ireland departed this life in Louaine in Brabant. Anno Reg. 19. King Richard therefore this yeare in Nouember, caused his corps being imbalmed, to be conueied into England, and so to the priorie of Col|nie in Essex,The duke of Irelãds corps conueied from Louaine into England, and there roiallie interred. appointing him to be laid in a coffine of cypresse, and to be adorned with princelie garments, hauing a chaine of gold about his necke, and rich rings on his fingers. And to shew what loue and af|fection he bare vnto him in his life time, the king caused the coffine to be opened, that he might behold his face bared, and touch him with his hands: he ho|nored his funerall exequies with his presence, ac|companied with the countesse of Oxenford, mother to the said duke, the archbishop of Canturburie, and manie other bishops, abbats, and priors: but of no|ble men there were verie few, for they had not yet digested the enuie and hatred which they had concei|ued against him.