[1] [2] But now to returne to king Richard, ye shall vn|derstand, that when all his prouision and roiall ar|mie was readie, about Michaelmas, he tooke the sea, and landed at Waterford the second of October,K. Richard passeth ouer into Ireland with a migh|tie armie. and so remained in Ireland all that winter: his people were lodged abroad in the countrie, and lay so wari|lie as they might. For although the Irishmen durst not attempt anie exploit openlie against the Eng|lishmen, after the kings arriuall with so puissant an armie, yet they would steale sometimes vpon them, where they espied anie aduantage, and disquiet them in their lodgings. But when the English still pre|uailed, diuerse of the greatest princes among them came in, and submitted themselues. Amongst other, Froissard. Foure Irish kings submit themselues to K. Richard. foure kings are mentioned, as the great Onell king of Meth, Brine of Thomond king of Thomond, Ar|thur Macmur king of Lineister, and Conhur king of Cheueno and Darpe: these kings were courteous|lie interteined and much made of by king Richard, who kept his Christmas this yeare at Dubline. And after that feast was ended, he held a parlement there,A parlement holden in Ireland. to the which all his subiects of Ireland, vnto whom it apperteined, resorted, as well those that had conti|nued vnder the English gouernement aforetime, as those that were latelie yƩelded.