[1] [2] [3] [4] The death of queene Anne.This yeare on Whitsundaie being the seauenth of Iune, quéene Anne departed this life, to the great greefe of hir husband king Richard, who loued hir in|tirelie. She deceassed at Shene, and was buried at Westminster, vpon the south side of saint Edwards shrine.The K. defa|ceth the house of Shene bi|cause the queéne died there. The king tooke such a conceit with the house of Shene, where she departed this life, that he caused the buildings to be throwne downe and defaced, where|as the former kings of this land, being wearie of the citie, vsed customablie thither to resort, as to a place of pleasure, and seruing highlie to their recreation. Thus the king, the duke of Lancaster, and his sonne the earle of Derbie, were widowers, all in one sea|son: for the ladie Constance duchesse of Lancaster daughter to Peter king of Spaine, deceassed the last yeare, whilest hir husband the duke of Lancaster was at the treatie in France: at the same time al|so deceassed the countesse of Derbie, wife to the lord Henrie earle of Derbie. ¶Moreouer, in this yeare 1394, Isabell duchesse of Yorke departed this life, that was halfe sister to the duchesse of Lancaster, be|ing borne of one mother. She was buried at Lang|leie.