[1] The king of Armenie would gladlie that peace might haue béene established betwixt France and England,The king o [...] Armenie. in hope to procure the sooner some aid of the kings to recouer his kingdome. But to conclude after that the dukes, and other with them associat as assistants, had diligentlie perused and examined the articles of their treatie,Obscure and doubt [...]ull words to be opened. they would not passe nor seale to anie, till all darke and obscure words were cléerelie declared, opened, and made perfect, so that no generall peace might be concluded. Notwith|standing, as Froissard saith,A truce for foure yeares betweene England and France. a truce for foure yeares space, vpon certeine articles was agreed to be kept as well by sea as by land. It was thought, that when they were at point to haue growne to agreement concerning manie articles, if the French king had not newlie fallen into his former disease of frensie, there had better effect followed of this treatie; but by occasion of his sicknesse, each man departed, before that anie principall articles could be fullie ordered and made perfect. The same time, sir Thomas Per|sie the yoonger was made lord warden of Burde|aux and Aquitaine.