[1] [2] [3] [4] [page 480] This yeare after Christmasse, a parlement was called at Winchester, Tho. Wal [...]. A parlement at Winchester in which onelie a grant was made by the cleargie, of halfe a tenth, for the expen|ses of the duke of Lancaster & Glocester, that were appointed to go ouer into France, to treat of peace, betwixt the two kingdomes. The courts of the kings bench and chancerie, which had béene remooued from Westminster to Yorke,The chance|rie and kings bench kept at Yorke and frõ thence remoo|ued to Londõ. either in disfauour onelie of the Londoners, or in fauour of the citizens of Yorke, for that the archbishop of that citie, being lord chan|cellor, wished to aduance (so farre as in him laie) the commoditie and wealth thereof, were neuerthelesse about this season brought backe againe to West|minster, after they had remained a small time at Yorke, to the displeasure of manie. ¶ This yeare, the lord Auberie de Ueere, vncle to the late duke of Ireland, was made earle of Oxenford. ¶ The two and twentish of Februarie,Eures. Iohn Eures, constable of Douer castell, & lord steward of the kings house departed this life, in whose roome the lord Thomas Persie that before was vicechamberlaine was cre|ated lord steward; and the lord Thomas Beaumont was made constable of Douer,The Ile of Man. and lord warden of the cinque ports: and the lord William Scroope was made vicechamberlaine, who about the same time, bought of the lord William Montacute the Ile of Man, with the regalitie therof, for it is a kingdome; as Thomas Walsingham affirmeth.