[1] [2] At the same time, the duke of Glocester, hauing re|ceiued monie to leauie an armie,The duke of Glocester made duke of Ireland. which he should haue conueied ouer into Ireland, of which countrie, a good while before that present, the king had made him duke, was now readie to set forward, when suddenlie through the malice of some priuie detractours about the king, he was contermanded,His iournie into Ireland vnluckilie staied. and so his iournie was staied, to the great hinderance and preiudice of both the countries of England and Ireland: for e|uen vpon the fame that was bruted of his comming into Ireland, in manner all the Irish lords determi|ned to submit themselues vnto him, so greatlie was his name bo [...]h loued, reuerenced, and feared,Uéere, late duke of Ire|land, dieth at Louaine. euen a|mong those wild and sauage people. This yeare Ro|bert Uéere, late earle of Oxenford, and duke of Ire|land, departed this life at Louaine in Brabant, in great anguish of mind, & miserable necessitie: which yoong gentleman (doubtlesse) was apt to all com|mendable exercises and parts fit for a noble man, if in his youth he had béene well trained and brought vp in necessarie discipline.