[1] [2] The liberties of London seized.The liberties of the citie were seized into the kings hands, and the authoritie of the maior vtterlie ceassed, the king appointing a warden to gouerne the citie, named sir Edward Darlingrug knight,A gardian ap|pointed to go|uerne the citie of London. that should both rule the citie, and see that euerie man had iustice ministred, as the case required. This sir Edward Darlingrug began to gouerne the citie of Lon|don by the name of lord warden, Anno Reg. 16. Sir Edward Darlingrug lord warden of London. the one and twen|tith of Iune, on which day the king entered into the 16 yeare of his reigne: by reason it was thought that the said sir Edward Darlingrug was ouer|fauourable to the citizens, he continued in his office but till the first of Iulie, and being then discharged,Darlingru [...] remoued, [...] Baldwine Radington made lord warden o [...] London. one sir Baldwine Radington, a right circumspect and discréet knight, was put in that roome, who knew how both to content the kings mind, and to comfort the citizens, and put them in hope of the kings fauour in time to be obteined, to the reliefe of their sorow and heauinesse.