[1] To conclude, such a hurling was in the stréet, that the maior, with the shiriffes, & diuers aldermen came thither with all speed, to take order in the matter, and to sée the peace kept; but after the cõming thither of the maior, the commons of the citie resorted to the place in far greater numbers than before; and the more they were, the worsse they were to rule, and would not be persuaded to quiet themselues, except the bishops seruant,Walter Ro|mane. whose name was Walter Ro|mane, might be had out of the house, and committed to prison: but at length, after manie assaults, lifts, & other indeuours made to haue broken vp the gates of the house, the maior & aldermen, with other discréet commoners appeased the people so, as they brought them to quiet, and sent euerie man to his house.