[1] [2] Some there be that write, how the king piked the first quarell against the maior and shiriffes, for a riot committed by the vnrulie citizens,A great fire kindled about a litle sparke. against the ser|uants of the bishop of Salisburie: for that where one of the same bishops seruants had taken a horsse-lofe frõ a bakers man, as he passed by in Fléetstréet with his basket to serue his masters customers, and would not deliuer it againe, but brake the bakers mans head, when he was earnest to haue recouered the lofe, the inhabitants of the stréet rose, and would haue had the bishops man to prison for breaking the kings peace: but he was rescued by his fellowes, and esca|ped into Salisburie house, that stood there within the allie, and as then belonged to his master the bishop of Salisburie, being at that time high treasuror of England.A riot by the Londoners vpon the bi|shop of Salis|buries men. The people being set in a rage for the re|scue so made, gathered togither in great multitudes about the bishops palace gate, and would haue fetch|ed out the offendor by force.