[5] The English ambassadors
said there was no doubt, but that either the king himselfe, or his vncles
shuld be there at the day assigned, with full authoritie to conclude anie
agréement that should seeme reasona|ble, and
so those ambassadors returned with great gifts presented on the kings
behalfe to ech of them, sir Robert Briquet excepted,Sir
Robert Briquet a Frenchman of king Richard his priuie chamber.
vnto whome it séemed the French king bare no great good will, for that
be|ing a Frenchman borne, he had euer serued the Na|uarrois or Englishmen,
and was now one of king Richards priuie chamber. The king of England (as
some write) was once minded to haue passed the seas himselfe,
The dukes of Lancaster & Yorke, the earls of Der|b [...]e and Hun|tington, the lord Thomas Persie, the bishops of Durham
and London were sent o [...]er, as Fro [...]ssard saith. A roiall am|bassage. The duke of Lancaster, a prince of great renowme.