[1] The pope troubled with such a rumbling noise,The pope s [...]deth his nu [...]|cio to king Richard. sent in all hast as abbat as his nuncio vnto the king of England, as well to vnderstand the causes of this proclamation, as of statutes deuised and made latelie in parlement against those that prouided themselues of benefices in the court of Rome by the popes buls, which séemed not a little preiudiciall to the church of Rome: in consideration whereof the said nuncio re|quired that the same statutes might be repealed and abolished, so farre as they tended to the derogation of the church liberties: but if the same statutes were not abolished, the pope might not (said his nuncio) with a safe con [...]ience otherwise doo than procéed a|gainst them that made those statutes, in such order as [page 475] the canons did appoint. Moreouer the said nuncio de|clared to the king certeine dangerous practises be|twixt the antipape and the French king, as to make the duke of Touraine the French kings brother king of Tuscane and Lombardie, and to establish the duke of Aniou in the kingdome of Sicile.