[1] [2] [3] In the meane time, whilest the christians were thus occupied, as well against the infidels in Barbarie, as in the east parts towards Littawe, a roiall iusts and martiall turnament was proclaimed to be hol|den within Smithfield in London,A roiall iusts holden in Smithfield at London. to begin on sun|daie next after the feast of saint Michaell. And bi|cause this triumphant pastime was published, not onelie in England, but also in Scotland, in Almaine, in Flanders, in Brabant, in Heinault, & in France, manie strangers came hither foorth of diuerse coun|tries, namelie Ualeran erle of saint Paule, that had married king Richards sister the ladie Mauld de Courtnie, and William the yoong erle of Osteruant, sonne to Albert de Bauiere earle of Holland and Heinault. At the daie appointed, when all things were prepared, there issued foorth of the tower about thrée of the clocke in the after noone sixtie coursers apparelled for the iustes, and vpon euerie one an es|quier of honor, riding a soft pace. Then came foorth foure and twentie ladies of honour (three score saith Froissard) mounted on palfries,The manner of the iusts in Smithfield. riding on the one side richlie apparelled, and euerie ladie led a knight with a chaine of gold. Those knights being on the kings part, had their armor and apparell garnished with white hearts and crownes of gold about their necks, and so they came riding through the stréets of Lon|don vnto Smithfield,Siluer saith Froissard. with a great number of trum|pets and other instruments before them.