[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] After they had got to land, they inuironed the ci|tie of Affrike (called by the moores Mahemedia) with a strong siege: but at length constrained with the in|temperancie of the scalding aire in that hot coun|trie, bréeding in the armie sundrie diseases, they fell to a composition vpon certeine articles to be perfor|med in the behalfe of the Saracens, and so 61 daies after their first arriuall there, they tooke the seas a|gaine, & returned home, as in the histories of France and Italie is likewise expressed. Where, by Polydor Virgil it may séeme, that the lord Henrie of Lanca|ster earle of Derbie, should be capteine of the Eng|lish men, that (as before ye haue heard) went into Barbarie with the Frenchmen, and Genowais. It should otherwise appeare by other writers, who af|firme that the said earle made a iournie in deed the same time against the miscreants, Thom. Wals. The earle of Derbie his exploits in his iournie against the infidels of Prutzenland. not into Barba|rie, but into Prutzenland, where he shewed good proofe of his noble and valiant courage: for ioining with the masters and knights of the Dutch order there, the armie of the Lithuanians that came a|gainst the said order was vanquished, and foure chiefe leaders of the Lithuanians were taken priso|ners, thrée other being slaine, with thrée hundred of their chiefest and best approoued soldiers. Through the policie also and worthie manhood of the earle of Der|bie, there was a certeine citie taken, where the said earle and his men first entring vpon the walles, did set vp his banner: other being slouthfull, or at the least vnskilfull how to deale in such exploits. There were taken and slaine foure thousand of the common people, and amongst them that were found dead, the king of Polognies brother was one. The castell of the same citie was besieged fiue weekes space: but by reason of sickenesse and such infirmities as chan|ced in the armie, the masters of Prutzen, and Life|land would not tarie any longer, but brake vp their siege and returned. The master of Lifeland led with him into his countrie thrée thousand prisoners.