[1] [2] In this thirtéenth yeare of king Richards reigne, the christians tooke in hand a iournie against the Sa|racens of Barbarie,A iournie a|gainst the Saracens. through sute of the Genowais, so that there went a great number of lords, knights, and gentlemen of France and England, the duke of Burbon being their generall. Out of England there went one Iohn de Beaufort bastard son to the duke of Lancaster (as Froissard hath noted) also sir Iohn Russell, sir Iohn Butler and others. They set forward in the latter end of this thirtéenth yeare, and came to Genoa, where they remained not long, but that the gallies and other vessels of the Genowais were rea|die to passe them ouer into Barbarie. And so about Midsummer in the beginning of the fourteenth yeare of this kings reigne, Anno Reg. 14. the whole armie being imbar|ked,The English archers good seruice. sailed foorth to the coasts of Barbarie, where neare to the citie of Affrike they landed, at which in|stant the English archers (as some write) stood all the companie in good stead, with their long bowes, bea|ting backe the enimies from the shore, which came downe to resist their landing.